Who Should March in Pride?


Updated 24th January 2025

2024 saw high-profile discussion about who should march in pride events like Sydney’s Mardi Gras parade or the Melbourne Pride March. There was debate about whether police, big business, political parties and religions should participate.

What was missing from this debate was the voice of everyday LGBTIQA+ people and our allies. Just.Equal conducted a survey to determine what our community wants.

Read the report here.

YouGov Galaxy polling: Australian’s don’t support LGBTI discrimination in faith schools

Updated 25th June 2024

In May 2024, following our 2018 poll, Just.Equal Australia again commissioned YouGov Galaxy to survey attitudes on special religious exemptions in faith schools.  The results show continuing opposition to public funding of religious schools that discriminate, as well as not allowing discrimination against LGBTIQA+ people in faith-based services and teachers in faith-based schools.

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2022 Post Election Survey Results

The results from Just.Equal Australia’s 2022 LGBTIQA+Post Election Survey have now been released.  

The aim of the Just.Equal Australia post-election survey, was to identify the factors that influenced the votes of LGBTIQA+ people and their allies in the 2022 Australian federal election vote. This information will be used to inform Australia's politicians and to advocate for the formulation of government policy.


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2022 Pre-Election Survey Results

The results from Just.Equal Australia’s 2022 LGBTIQA+ Election Priorities survey have now been released and sent to the major political parties.

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Report: Current Research and Policy Recommendations for Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) Blood Donor Deferrals

This report presents a review of the latest research into the blood donor screening policies that require men who have sex with men (MSM) to abstain for a certain period of time before they can donate.

Taken together, data from current studies support the argument that abstinence-based deferrals are no longer necessary to protect the safety of the blood supply.

The findings show that a policy of assessing every individual donor for the safety of their sexual activity, regardless of their gender or the gender of their sexual partner, would not compromise blood safety, would increase the blood supply and would be a major step in removing discrimination from blood donation.

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The Toll Of The Religious Freedom Debate

The religious freedom and discrimination debate is taking a heavy toll on LGBTIQ+ people, with more than 80% saying they feel worse now than during the 2017 marriage equality postal survey.
The stark figure is from a survey of almost 4,500 LGBTIQ+ Australians and their allies conducted by just.equal.
Other headline results include:
70.9% of LGBTIQ+ people agree that the primary aim of religious freedom advocates is to take away the rights of LGBTIQ+ people.
43.5% of LGBTIQ+ people agree Australia is not accepting, which is almost double the percentage (22.3%) who felt it was not accepting before marriage equality.
62.2% of LGBTIQ+ people feel vulnerable, 67.2% angry and 78.4% not respected.
97.9% of LGBTIQ+ people believe religious organisations like schools and hospitals should not be allowed to discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity, while 92% believe individuals should not be able to say whatever they want about LGBTIQ+ people in the name of religion 
84.9% believe the media is biased against transgender people, 88% believe politicians are less interested in trans rights than they were in marriage equality, and 90% believe trans and gender diverse people are suffering as a result.
70.8% want to see much more LGBTIQ+ equality advocacy from moderate Liberals. 58.7% want much more from Labor and 32.9% want much more from the Greens.

The full study is available here.


Survey: LGBTI Australians Say "No Compromise" On Discrimination Roll Back 

Australians are overwhelmingly against compromises that will allow continued discrimination against LGBTI people in faith-based schools in legislation purporting to take some of that discrimination away. 
Advocacy group, just.equal, conducted a survey of almost 2000 LGBTI Australians across all demographics which found around 94.5% opposition to leaked Government legislation that bans discrimination against LGBTI students on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity but allows it on the basis of “religious ethos”. 
95.2% of those opposed to this proposal said they would rather wait for better legislation. 
Over 90% also want teacher, other staff and parents to also be protected. 
Just.equal spokesperson, Rodney Croome said,
“LGBTI Australians have delivered an emphatic ‘No’ to any compromises that allow for continued discrimination.” 
“The message to law-makers is clear, if you want to tackle discrimination tackle it all.” 
The survey was submitted to the Senate inquiry into discrimination in faith-based schools that is due to report in the next few days. 
The Government is expected to introduce its legislation soon. 
The leaked legislation removes the capacity of faith-based schools to directly discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity but allows indirect discrimination on the grounds of a school’s religious ethos. 
It does not protect teachers, other staff or parents.
Almost 500 respondents to the survey explained their reasons for opposing all discrimination. 
The most common was that faith-based schools should not have special exemptions from discrimination law while in receipt of public funds. 
Some respondents wrote about their personal experiences of discrimination in faith-based schools.
Others wrote that the suitability of staff and students should be based on their behaviour and abilities not their sexual orientation or gender identity.
A copy of the survey report is here.

National LGBTIQ+ Future Priorities Survey

The National LGBTIQ+ Future Priorities Survey 2018 aimed to identify issues that are important to the LGBTIQ+ community, and their allies, that community groups and leaders could work on since having achieved marriage equality reforms.

The full report is available here

Of the number of individuals eligible to participate in the survey (LGBTIQ+ person or ally, 18+ years, and Australian citizen or permanent resident), 2,662 (97.3%) went on to start the future priority questions. Of this number 2,323 completed the survey in full, resulting in an 87.3% completion rate (see Demographics for details).

1. Participants were first asked to rate the level of priority they gave a number of community and policy strategies within various domains. They were then asked to rank their high priority strategies in the order of which to address sooner. This allowed us to identify the most pressing issues within a pool of strategies already identified as being important. The following were ranked No: 1 within each domain. Where results differed between groups of participants, they are noted below. For the full list of strategies and ranks, refer to ‘Future Priorities’ within the report.

Law Reforms

- A national ban on LGBTIQ+ “conversion” or “reparative” therapies (LGBTIQ+ participants)

- Equal rights and protections for all families in federal law including LGBTIQ+ people and their children (non-LGBTIQ+ participants)

Funding Programs

- Funding programs aimed at improving LGBTIQ+ safety and inclusion in schools

Liaison with Federal Government Strategies

- Establishing LGBTIQ+ policy groups in federal government agencies such as health, education, the federal police, justice, and the Prime Minister’s department

Community Representation Strategies

- Greater funding for existing LGBTIQ+ advocacy, policy, and service organisations

Improving Rights and Conditions for Transgender/Intersex/Gender Non-Binary People

(Note: The top two items below are given equal ranking overall and are based on trans-gender, intersex and gender non-binary participants’ responses (with the latter category overlapping the former categories).

- Medicare funding for gender transition (1st priority for transgender participants)

- Legislative protection for intersex people against unnecessary medical procedures and procedures without their informed consent (1st priority for intersex and gender non-binary participants).

Interestingly, for the sample in general, a national public education strategy in relation to transgender, intersex and gender non-binary issues was ranked 2nd, whereas this was less pressing an issue (ranked 4th or 5th) for those who identified as transgender, intersex and/or gender non-binary (i.e., those most likely to be directly affected).

Federal Government LGBTIQ+ strategies

- Suicide and mental health strategy

Federal Government Policy Initiatives

- Reforming policies and practices for assessing refugees seeking asylum on the basis of anti-LGBTIQ+ persecution

2. On a separate topic, participants were asked to select their preferences for LGBTIQ+ representational methods. The majority selected:

- An organisation structure that guarantees the interests of smaller population groups (e.g. transgender, intersex, Indigenous and CALD, regional and rural, small states and territories) are not overridden by larger groups.

3. For the last question, which was on the best way to achieve a Human Rights Charter, most participants selected “Human rights entrenched in the Constitution” over “Human rights enacted by legislation”.

Detailed responses to the Future Priorities Survey 2018 questions, including demographic items, are available here.

Experiences of the marriage equality postal survey and views on religious exemptions: A report on a nation-wide study


A large-scale survey of LGBTI Australians has rejected exemptions similar to those in the Dean Smith marriage bill that allow discrimination in the name of religion. 

The study found a slim majority of LGBTI people would rather wait than accept a compromised bill prompting advocates to call for the Smith Bill exemptions to be tightened and for there to be a no detriment clause for LGBTI people.

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National LGBTIQ Postal Vote Survey



LGBTI Australians strongly oppose a postal vote on marriage equality.

That's the finding of a new survey of the LGBTI community.

The survey of 5,261 LGBTI Australians across all demographics was commissioned by Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays and just.equal, and conducted by social science researcher, Dr Sharon Dane. 

It found almost 80% opposition to a postal vote which increased to almost 90% when respondents were informed it would be a voluntary vote that won't be binding on MPs. 

The survey also asked respondents their preferred response to a postal vote, with 56.5% saying they oppose it but are also prepared to win it if it is held. Only 15% said they prefer to boycott the vote.

To find out what LGBTIQ Australians think about a postal vote on their right to marry, click here.




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