Ban Conversion Practices in Tasmania

***This petition closed at 5:30pm, Jan 28, 2021 at a total of 608 signatures***Ban Conversion Practices in Tas

To the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute

We want to see LGBTQ+ conversion practices made unlawful in Tasmania because:

  • Conversion practices continue to occur in Tasmania
  • These practices create profound distress, trauma and harm to those they are inflicted on, and have resulted in self-loathing, self-harm and suicide
  • A new law against conversion practices will have a positive impact on preventing these practices and the ideology behind them


  • We want Tasmanian law to have a broad definition of conversion practices
  • It should take in all efforts to change, suppress or eradicate the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBTIQ+ people, based on the false, misleading and pseudo-scientific claims that LGBTIQ+ people are “broken” and can be “fixed”. It should include all formal and informal settings where such efforts occur and all promotion of such efforts
  • We believe a new, stand-alone law is required to send the strongest possible message against conversion practices
  • We believe conversion practices should be indictable criminal offences given the harm they cause
  • We believe it is not possible to consent to conversion practices because they are promoted using false and misleading claims
  • We believe institutions that fail to prevent conversion practices against their members should also be held accountable under the law in much the same way that institutions are held accountable for sexual abuse of people in their care
  • We believe a law against conversion practices will not infringe religious freedom, freedom of speech or parental rights because religious and theological statements are not targeted by the proposed legislation
  • Instead, the legislation will balance freedom of speech and religion, and parental rights, with the right of vulnerable LGBTIQ+ people to be free from premeditated harm
  • A new law against conversion practices should affirm and uphold the human rights of trans and gender diverse Tasmanians, and make it clear that gender affirmation is not a form of conversion practice
  • We believe there should be a redress scheme, funded by the Government and from perpetrator penalties, to help support survivors
  • We believe there must be adequately funded education programs to ensure the public understands the damage caused by conversion practices and to help ensure such practices no longer occur
  • We believe survivors speak with greatest authority when it comes to why a new law is needed and what form it should take and urge government and the community to heed their voices
  • We call on faith communities to speak out against conversion practices, especially those practices being perpetrated in the name of faith
  • We urge the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute to recommend a law that will ensure conversion practices no longer sully our state and that affirm LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians are valued members of our Island community

If you're a Tasmanian resident please ensure you add your address in the petition so we can tell the TLRI how many Tasmanians support banning conversion practices!

This petition is a joint initiative between just.equal and Equality Tasmania.

Who's signing

John Borojevic
Ian Matthews
Rodney Croome
Sylvie Constantine
Anthony Ferguson
Peter Dowde
Diana van Bell
Geoffrey Manning
9 signatures

Will you sign?

  • John Borojevic
    signed 2021-01-30 10:18:15 +1100
  • Ivan Hinton-Teoh
    published this page in Current Actions Old 2021-01-28 17:25:35 +1100
  • Ian Matthews
    signed 2021-01-27 19:56:49 +1100
  • Rodney Croome
    signed 2021-01-27 19:23:21 +1100
  • Sylvie Constantine
    signed 2021-01-27 17:45:12 +1100
  • Anthony Ferguson
    signed 2021-01-27 09:26:58 +1100
  • Peter Dowde
    signed 2021-01-26 20:14:54 +1100
  • Diana van Bell
    signed 2021-01-26 17:20:17 +1100
  • Geoffrey Manning
    signed 2021-01-25 18:26:11 +1100
  • Ivan Hinton-Teoh
    published this page in Current Actions Old 2021-01-23 10:53:51 +1100



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