Real change comes up from the people, not down from the powerful), and progressive social reform is driven by the grassroots. This is the philosophy that guides Just.Equal Australia (Inc).
A foundational principle of Just-Equal Australia is that we will be guided by the LGBTIQA+ community. We seek its views, priorities and expectations through consultation and community surveys. We also partner with kindred groups which have expertise in specific issues and represent particular constituencies.
What unites us is the belief that there is still much more work to be done at state and federal levels to protect and advance the human rights and well-being LGBTIQA+ people and our families. It is essential, for example, that conversion practices and unnecessary intersex medical interventions are banned, that trans and gender diverse people are recognised and included, that faith-based schools and services can no longer discriminate and that other unjust laws and policies are reformed.
It is especially important for us to strive for the best possible outcomes and not settle for compromise. If political compromise is proposed it is essential the LGBTIQA+ community be given the final say on whether or not it is accepted.
Please JOIN US and become an ally for equality.