Just.Equal Australia was founded by key community-based marriage equality campaigners during the successful nationwide movement for that reform. It has since grown to include a diverse range of campaigners.
Despite Australia achieving marriage equality in 2017 (link to page) much more work is required to protect and advance the human rights and well-being of LGBTIQA+ Australians. It is essential, for example, that conversion practices and unnecessary intersex medical interventions are banned, that trans and gender diverse people are recognised and included, that faith-based schools and services can no longer discriminate (link to religious privilege info) and that other unjust laws and policies are reformed.
But, right now, LGBTIQA+ Australians are facing a backlash to achieving marriage equality; a push to erode existing anti-discrimination protections, attacks on trans and gender diverse communities, and weak to non-existent government LGBTIQA+ support services, education programs and health funding.
Please JOIN US and become an ally for equality.