Inquiries on Census, Medicare, and Human Rights


Updated 8th September 2024

"The fiasco over LGBTIQA+ Census questions shows why an LGBTIQA+ Equality Minister and an LGBTIQA+ Human Rights Commissioner are vitally important, not just for representing our community but for good decision-making by government." 
- Rodney Croome. Read more in our media release here:

Updated 15th May 2024

Just.Equal has been an active participant in a number of inquiries.

This includes an inquiry about LGBTIQA+ inclusion in the Census. On this issue we partnered with the Body Shop to present a petition to Parliament.

We have also been active in inquiries on Medicare benefits for gender-affirming health care and Medicare benefits for procedures related to surrogacy. 

Most recently we made our views known to the Federal Parliamentary inquiry into Australia’s human rights framework. Our regular LGBTIQA+ community surveys have found majority support for constitutionally-guaranteed human rights. We made the inquiry aware of this and called for government not to surrender to the anti-LGBTIQA fear campaigns against human rights protections as has too often occurred in the past.



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