Religious Freedom Bill

Just-Equal Australia supports the notion of ensuring religious freedom, but we oppose any legislation that seeks to enshrine religious privilege.

Legislation to protect people of faith from discrimination should be a shield and not a sword.

However, the Bill which has been drafted, re-drafted and is still under consideration by the federal government offers people of faith extraordinary privilege to discriminate against those they don’t like.

This will overwhelmingly be to the disadvantage of LGBTI people, but also to women, people with disability, unmarried couples, people from minority faiths and more.  

It is the biggest attack on anti-discrimination protections in our nation’s history and it grew out of  religious opposition to marriage equality in 2017.   

Freedom of religion does not mean having the right to discriminate against others in the name of religion. 

Just-Equal has been educating the public and lobbying federal MPs on the nasty elements in the Bill and urging them to vote against it.

In September 2021, we sent a 12 page brochure to every MP and senator spelling out the four (4) main areas of harm that would be caused if the Bill passed. We continue to lobby MPs against this Bill. 

Read our brochure here.

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