Equal Means Equal - almost 90% of LGBTIQ Australians oppose being subject to new forms of targeted anti-LGBTIQ discrimination


The current proposal to amend the Marriage Act includes provisions that would broaden anti-discrimination exemptions that would allow new ways to specifically discriminate against LGBTIQ Australians. 

We asked the nations LGBTIQ community what they thought of these changes.

Unsurprisingly, almost 90% of the 6,352 LGBTIQ adult Australian respondents were strongly opposed to any proposal to make it legal for individuals and organisations to refuse their services to same-sex couples, based on personal conscience or religious belief when participants were informed the refusal of services would apply to only same-sex couples. Read the full report here.

Essential Research, 18 October 2016

The majority of Australians (55%) believe that the government should now hold a vote in Parliament about allowing same-sex marriage.

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Study: Irish Marriage Equality Referendum "A Megaphone For Hate & Homophobia"

new study released today shows:
• Irish LGBTI people felt very upset, angry and anxious during the marriage equality referendum campaign. 
• Younger LGBTI people and the children of same-sex couples were worst affected. 
• Only 23% of Irish LGBTI people and families in the survey would be happy to have referendum again. 
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LGBTIQ Plebiscite Survey Summary

Here's the full summary of the LGBTIQ Plebiscite Survey.

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Survey Shows Overwhelming Opposition to Plebiscite in LGBTI Communities

A survey of 5,500 LGBTIQ people in late July, perhaps the biggest poll of its kind on this issue, voiced their opposition to a plebiscite for equal marriage. The survey included men and women of all ages, and in every state and territory of Australia. 



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